This set was handmade with intention to help with the stomach meridian.
The stomach is responsible for digesting food and receiving nourishment, which in turn keeps us warm, active, and our body functioning properly.
If the stomach is out of balance, it usually will show up through general lethargy, abdominal issues, loose stools, and body weakness. Emotionally your horse many appear anxious, lack of focus, and trouble trusting people.
Fire Agate - This stone is known to help build a protective shield around the body. As it's name suggests it helps connect and fire up our base chakra. Physically it is said to help heal the stomach, nervous system, and circulatory disorders. It is very useful at bringing the body back into balance and preventing energy burn out. It clears etheric blocks and energizes one's aura.
Amber - This is a wonderful stone with strong connections to the Earth. A powerful grounding stone, it's said to absorb negative energy and transmute it into positive energy. Amber helps motivate us by giving us the drive to achieve the things we wish for. On an emotional level, Amber promotes a positive mindset, brings in balance, patience, and helps us develop trust. On a physical level, it is connected to our stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver, and gallbladder. It is also said to help alleviate joint problems.